Click here to see a video of the 9/15/22 webinar.
Click here to see a list of useful resources.
Community Conversations starts the Mid-term Elections season with the webinar, “Your Roadmap to Voting 2022," which will provide voters with important information about how to ready themselves for the November 8th, 2022 General Election.
The webinar will offer information about changes that the County Election Office has made to enhance security and improve the efficiency of counting ballots.Tools like the League’s Voter's Edge will be highlighted to help voters become more informed about candidates and issues. In addition, the panelists will explain the responsibilities of elected officials and how their offices impact you.
- Debi Cooper, CC Elections Office
- Tommy Gong CC Elections Office
- Marian Shostrom, LWVC Voter's Edge
- Maureen Toms, Pinole City Council member
- Devin Murphy, Pinole Mayor Pro Tem.
The webinar will be followed by an opportunity to answer your questions. This webinar will have simultaneous Spanish translation, and the Library will provide closed captioning.
Click here to register for the Zoom webinar. Information on how to access the Zoom webinar will be sent to your email address 24 hours before the program.
This program will be recorded and uploaded to the LWVDV and Library's YouTube channels after the event.