LWVDV 2020 Annual Meeting Rules

LWVDV 2020 Annual Meeting Rules

red & blue flowers, candle holder with blue stars
June 20, 2020
The purpose of these rules is to conduct an effective, understandable, and legal meeting. Parliamentary procedure will be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised Edition. The Bylaws of the League of Women Voters of Diablo Valley, 2011-revised edition, will govern where applicable.
DELEGATES: All voting members of the League of Women Voters of Diablo Valley as of the record date May 20, 2020 are delegates to this meeting and have the privilege of the floor when recognized by the Chair.
MOTIONS: All motions other than procedural shall be submitted in writing.
QUORUM: A quorum count will be taken at the opening of the meeting. The quorum is 15% of the membership as of the record date. This number must be present to conduct business.
VOTING: The Chair shall designate the method of voting: voice, hand, standing, or ballot/polling.
PROGRAM ADOPTION Prior to the annual meeting the Board considers suggestions from the membership to formulate a “Proposed Recommended Program” for the coming year. This proposed program, along with any submitted suggestions the Board does not recommend for adoption, is sent to members prior to the Annual Meeting in the Annual Meeting Kit.
  1. A majority of those members present and voting shall be required for adoption of the recommended program.
  2. Non-recommended items may be moved for consideration after the recommended program is presented; a member so moving may make a statement no longer than two minutes explaining the reason for the motion’s consideration. Any non-recommended items moved for consideration must be submitted to the Board two months prior to the annual meeting. The motion considered is not debatable, shall be taken immediately, and requires a majority vote.
  3. After presentation of both recommended and non-recommended program, discussion and vote on program will take place. Recommended program will precede non-recommended items. Non-recommended items will be voted on in the order of consideration voted. A two-thirds vote is required to adopt a non-recommended item.
DEBATE: During discussion periods, each speaker will be limited to two minutes. A delegate may speak to the same issue a second time for one minute after all other delegates have had the opportunity to speak.