Government: Governmental Structure - Special Districts

Government: Governmental Structure - Special Districts

BRIEF SUMMARY: The LWVDV supports the establishment of special districts.
Position In Brief: 

The LWVDV supports the use of special districts, coordination and cooperation among them, and meaningful citizen participation.

Position History: 

(Adopted 1978; reviewed and affirmed annually)

The LWVDV supports the following objectives:

  • Coordination and cooperation among districts, facilitated by the support and encouragement of the Board of Supervisors, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), the Mayors’ Conference, and other agencies.
  • Fiscal accountability of special districts, assisted by careful oversight and budget review by the Board of Supervisors and by adoption of fiscal policies which are meaningful to the citizen and which offer options in establishment of spending priorities.
  • Citizen knowledge of and participation in the governance by special districts.
  • A reduction in the number of districts through consolidation, annexation, and elimination. If a service can be provided by an existing governmental unit, it should be.
  • Election and appointment procedures which will guarantee a balanced representation of the public interest on boards and commissions.


League to which this content belongs: 
Diablo Valley