Natural Resources: Land Use Planning - County and City General Plans

Natural Resources: Land Use Planning - County and City General Plans

BRIEF SUMMARY: The LWVDV supports the use of city and County general plans as the guide to land use in the respective areas.
Position In Brief: 

The LWVDV supports the concept of a Contra Costa County general plan as a guide to major land use in unincorporated areas of the county. The League also supports the use of city general plans as the guide to land use within incorporated cities. These plans should be effectively implemented. The Moraga members of the LWVDV support the concept of the General Plan as a guide to land use in the Town.

The LWVDV supports the following objectives:

  • Measures and policies to preserve open space, parks, and agricultural land. The League supports the concept of cluster development and planned unit development as a means of maintaining open space in residential areas. 
  • A coordinated transportation system, which includes planning and implementation of alternate means of transportation to the private car, as well as adequate provision for pedestrian and bicycle paths. 
  • Equality of opportunity for access to housing. A high priority should be placed on maintaining the housing element of each general plan; this should include a definite program for implementation. 
  • Careful management of growth while balancing social, economic, and environmental criteria with energy concerns. 
  • A careful and detailed review of general plans at least every five years, and adoption of ordinances to implement any resulting amendments. 
  • Full involvement of planning commissioners in long-range and current planning with delegation of minor decisions on variances and subdivisions to the zoning administrator or to a separate board of adjustment. 
  • Thorough and careful study by each planning commission and its respective legislative body (Board of Supervisors or city council) of requests for rezoning which may be contrary to the general plan for that jurisdiction. 
  • Better coordination between the planning agencies of the county and those of the cities for planning of unincorporated areas, which are within the spheres of influence of the incorporated cities and for resolving issues of mutual concern.

(Updated 2015)


The Moraga members of the LWVDV support the following objectives:

  • Review by the Town Council of the entire General Plan at least once every five years. 
  • A careful study by the Planning Commission and the Town Council of requests for rezoning which may be contrary to the General Plan. 
  • Involvement of the Planning Commission in long-range and detailed planning, while separate review boards are responsible for environmental and architectural considerations. 
  • Coordination between the planning departments of the Town and County for unincorporated areas within Moraga's planning area. 
  • Cluster development as one means of retaining open space, with review for density limits. 
  • Planning now for alternative means of transportation to the automobile.

(Established 1976)

[Pleasant Hill]

The Pleasant Hill members of the LWVDV support the following objectives:

  • General Plan elements and implementing ordinances should be continually updated and revised. Adequate staff should be provided for continued long-range planning. 
  • The zoning ordinances should be reviewed for conformance to the elements of the General Plan. 
  • There should be continued examination of a hillside ordinance and more planned unit developments to ensure adherence to the terms of the Open Space Element. 
  • The Planning Commission, when considering proposals, should adhere strictly to the terms of the General Plan.

(Updated 2015) 

League to which this content belongs: 
Diablo Valley