Natural Resources: Land Use Planning - Lafayette Central Business District

Natural Resources: Land Use Planning - Lafayette Central Business District

BRIEF SUMMARY: The Lafayette members of the LWVDV support an attractive and financially viable central business district.
Position History: 

(Established 1989, reviewed and affirmed annually)

The Lafayette members of the LWVDV support the following objectives:

  • Retail shops which are accessible, inviting, and complemented by adjacent zones designated for other commercial business. Retail use of ground floor in office buildings should be encouraged. 
  • Designated crosswalks and improved signals to make it possible for pedestrians of all ages to cross Mt. Diablo Blvd., Moraga Road, and other four-lane arterials in the business district. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged.
  • A unified plan of landscaping for the business district, as well as the requirement of extensive landscaping as a condition of approval for building in the business district.
  • Parking and pedestrian amenities achieved through assessment districts or other mechanisms. 


League to which this content belongs: 
Diablo Valley