Stephanie Williams-Rogers’ Notes from 2019 CA LWV State Convention
I. Organizing for Dollars: How to ask for what you want
- Each league should sign-up for the League update
- There will be 5 videos for fundraising added to the update
- It’s important to share your impact
- People don’t give to you, they give through you.
- Focus on the impact to the donor
- Understand their interest, impact on them
- Can find this information doing research via social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
- Identify the best person to “make the ask” for money
- Break the ice
- Engage with the problem: use open/ended question, talk only 20-30% of the time
- Present the vision: what are our programs, priorities and successes
- Be clear and concise
- Pause after the ask: don’t step on the ask
- Confirm and close
- Provide details and logistics
- If someone can’t make the donation, ask:
- Would $___ be a better stretch?
- Is there someone else I can meet with?
- Follow-up: Thank you card or email. Set date for next check-in, and follow-up with any additional info
- Act as good stewards and provide updates on how the money was spent
- It’s easier to get grants if you know somebody involved in the decision-making process
II. Housing and Homelessness
- There’s an increase in criminalization of homelessness
- Money goes towards police enforcement
- There’s an increase of “Not in my backyard” mentality
- Encampment raids remove the homeless person and sends their belongings to sanitation where they often times never see their items
- Court fees of $400 are assessed for not showing up for trial
- Public housing can take nearly 6-8 years
- Shelters refuse homeless who suffer from addiction
- Talk with police about homelessness and what they currently do to support homelessness
- AB302 allows community college students the right to sleep in their cars on their college campus
- 80% of homeless women were victims of domestic abuse
- Citations for people sleeping in their cars
- “Homelessness is no longer a symbol of decline, it is a product of prosperity