Notes from the LWVDV Caucus on Wildfire Safety and Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Preparedness Training = CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) was discussed to gain an understanding of what is already in place for each local community. These are trained volunteers who can and do provide emergency work beyond their local county.
LWV – Policy Impacts?
- In progress at state ,e.g. Prepositioning of mutual aid (already passed)
- Addressing of hazards for individuals who are failing to be prepared. The office of emergency services is finding that the actual % of the population responding to offers of information on preparedness is disappointing and of concern.
- Connect with local governments, Counties, Cities, School Districts and Senior Community Centers. AFN: Access and Functional Needs individuals. Includes anyone with mobility, developmental, cognitive, hearing or language issues. May be of any age, particularly older.
Get Prepared
Do what is needed to maintain preparedness.
Office of Emergency Services OES
On July 1, 2013, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.’s Reorganization Plan #2 eliminated Cal EMA and restored it to the Governor’s Office, renaming it the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES), and merging it with the Office of Public Safety Communications.
- CA Cities and State
- Mutual aid
- Lack of fire stations
- Know what is in place
- Educate the Community
- About preparedness and communication risks
- About Fire Warning & Evacuation notifications
- Consider Incentives to actually be prepared
- Understand the impact and risks of rolling blackouts
- Practice for emergency evacuations with coordinating agencies
Planning Timeline
- Have joint legislative committee meetings and/or be part of a statewide task force
- LWVC and locals need a place at the table
League Role needs to be clarified for all participating Leagues
- Learn what our emergency services and local counties, cities and school districts already know and what coordination of agencies are already in place – which are lacking in readiness
- Identify what structure in the league will help contribute to emergency preparedness through government agency coordination
Who in the League is part of this?
- Communication methods & neighborhood coordination
- Education
- Wildfire Legislation
- Liaison with OES and Taskforce w/hazmat
- Evacuation legislation (gaps)
- Assessment of what’s in place
Next steps for LWVDV – proposed for Local Leagues based on discussion from the caucus.
Provide a comprehensive online guide and one to be mailed to underserved communities to include this model of information.