Voter’s Edge for California Governor Recall Election

Voter’s Edge for California Governor Recall Election

Get ready to vote in recall with Voter's Edge

by Marian Shostrom

The California Governor Recall Election will be held on September 14, 2021.  Click here to read more about the Recall Election.

Voter’s Edge California is providing important, useful information about the Recall Election, including the meaning of Yes and No votes, financial impacts, arguments for and against, the major contributors, candidate information and voting details. 

Click here to view information on Voter’s Edge about the California Governor Recall Election.

You can help educate voters!

There are 46 candidates on the ballot to replace Governor Newsom if the recall is successful. Some candidates have already posted information about themselves and their priorities, but many have not.

Learn how Voter’s Edge gets Candidate information.

To encourage non-particpating candidates to provide information:
  • Go to
    • Type in your street address to get voter information, including candidates on the ballot.
    • If you see a candidate that says “NO INFORMATION PROVIDED”, click on that candidate’s name.
    • In the section labeled Candidate has not provided information, click the envelope icon next to Encourage candidate to share their information on Voter's Edge.
    • A pre-written template email message opens, already addressed to the candidate. Personalize the email, add your name, and click Send.

In less than an hour you can send emails to all non-participating candidates and help California voters make an informed decision for this election and make a difference!

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