Blog PostDoing More – Finding Joy
If you are looking at the website of the League of Women Voters of Orange Coast, the chances are that you are a person who worries that one “ought to do more.” I am certainly one of those people – and the times we live in certainly call us to “Do More”! I don’t always remember to do it – but to “do more” may also call for leavening your sense of responsibility with some joy!
Finding Joy:
Here in the southland, we have a pesky little weed known as Filaree, or Common Stork’s Bill. As you can see in the picture, the seed-bearing part of the plant carries a sharp spear and another part is very fuzzy.

- They are truly determined to ensure species success – the fuzzy part clings to passers-by, the sharp spear can help plant a seed, and they spread pretty rapidly.
- They remind me of life – sort of tough, but beautiful in their own way,
- Weed or not, I love finding them, especially as they are setting seed!
Doing More: At this troubled time in the life of our country and the world, we are surrounded with opportunities to do more!
- Vote responsibly – and prepare by paying attention to our website’s Elections Page (https://my.lwv.org/california/orange-coast/voting/current-election).
- Help others do the same – share our voting resources with friends, colleagues, family and members of clubs to which you belong, your church, temple or mosque – you get the idea!
- Consider working for the OC Registrar of Voters – see their ad on our home page.
- If you are a Coast member, come to Annual Meeting and learn about our many projects for Making Democracy Work© and volunteer to help. The final invitation goes out May 1st – contact me (President [at] LWVOrangeCoast.org) if you can’t find it!
- Do something for folks suffering throughout the world – donate to food banks or refugee organizations or organizations which provide healthcare – the list is endless.
And don’t forget those small doses of joy to keep you going!
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Blog Date: May 1, 2022
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Becky Newman
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