Orange Coast - Government

Orange Coast - Government

  Capitol Icon for Government Committee     



Image of binoculars, Icon for Observer CorpsObserver Corps


The Observer Corps aims to exercise citizen participation in self-government at the local level.

How We Accomplish Our Mission:

The Observer Corps observes and reports on local public agencies, including city councils and county government. The program builds a network of people through social and training opportunities.

How You Can Get Involved:

  1. Observe public meetings
  2. Mentor observers
  3. Offer your home as a training place or for a social gathering
  4. Train others on how to observe

Contact Susan Knight at observer.corps [at]

Observer Corps Public Documents


Legislative Interview Team

Clipboard with Checklist ImageMission:  

The Legislative Interview Team builds relationships with and gathers information from our State legislators regarding legislation related to League of Women Voters of California (LWVC) and local (LWVOC) positions.  

How We Accomplish Our Mission:

We arrange interviews in local offices by following the League of Women Voters of California (LWVC) process. We meet with and discuss local and state league positions with our legislators and/or staff.

How You Can Get Involved:

  1. Join a Legislative Team in early Spring (research the issue)
  2. Attend a meeting with your State Legislator and/or their staff
  3. Share your access to State Legislators and/or their staff
  4. Offer your home as a meeting place for our legislative interview team

Contact Anne Stone at legislative.interviews [at]

Legislative Interview Public Documents



  Members-Only Documents  


League to which this content belongs: 
Orange Coast

All Posts Related to this Committee

Dark clouds

Senate Fails to Enact DISCLOSE Act

by Shannon Augustus

Image of binoculars, Icon for Observer Corps

You Can Help Make Democracy Work

Four Diverse Women "We may not be equal under the laws of our nation but together our power is undeniable."

LWVUS Recognizes Recent Loss of Women's Rights

Women's InEquality Day


The League's Impact on Redistricting

by the LWVUS Staff

In September 2019, the League launched its national redistricting effort People Powered Fair Maps™ (PPFM).

Knotted Gun Sculpture United Nations
Event Date: 
Jul 13 2022 05:00 pm to 07:30 pm
Event location: 

Virtual Event

Assault Rifles - What can be done?

Girl holding Girl Power Sign

President Biden Signs Executive Order on Reproductive Health

by Shannon Augustus

FOCE Graphic with words " Democracy for All " and " What's next for Building Equity in California Elections? "
Event Date: 
Jul 25 2022 08:00 am to 06:30 pm
Event location: 

Virtual Event and In-Person

Democracy for All: What's Next for Building Equity in California's Elections?

Photos of Deborah Turner and Virginia Kase
Public Statement

"Today’s ruling strips women and those who may become pregnant of their bodily autonomy and will have devastating - and immediate - consequences across the country. While the Court’s opinion was expected, its harm is extreme and real...."

person holding gun

Supreme Court makes it harder to keep guns out of public spaces - possible exception for polling places


Photo of Supreme Court Building with words " Supreme Court Term in Review UCI Law "

12th Annual Supreme Court Term in Review

Hosted by UCI School of Law

  Wednesday, July 6 at 10:00am to 11:30am
  Irvine Barclay Theatre & Cheng Hall  4242 Campus Drive, Irvine, CA 92612
