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Submitted by Southwest Santa Clara Valley in January 2024.
Register now for our annual program planning meeting. This meeting will take place online on January 27 from 10 AM - 12 PM.
Submitted by Santa Clara County in January 2024.
Zoom Meeting
Learn from our speaker Tommy Gong, Chief Deputy Clerk-Recorder, Contra Costa County, California, as he shares his experiences
Submitted by Southwest Santa Clara Valley in September 2023.
Second Book
The Political Book Club is delighted to introduce our second book Justice, what is the right thing to do? Michael J. Sandel
Submitted by Southwest Santa Clara Valley in December 2023.
Holder’s Country Inn
Please mark your calendar on December 17, 2023, 1:00pm, at Holder’s Country Inn, San Jose (offSaratoga Ave) and register below.
Submitted by Santa Clara County in November 2023.
Speaker, Dr. Ana Malinow, presenting information about the stealth privatization of traditional Medicare.
The League of Women Voters of the Bay Area (LWVBA) presents a Town Hall on the proposed Regional Housing Bond Measure.
Submitted by Southwest Santa Clara Valley in October 2023.
We know that it can be difficult to step away for an in-person meeting sometimes. This month, we are hosting our Coffee Chat session online!
Submitted by Santa Clara County in September 2023.
The Santa Clara County League of Women Voters, Civil Discourse Committee, presents a program on how smart people get duped.
Submitted by Santa Clara County in October 2023.
The League of Women Voters of the Bay Area (LWVBA) invites League members to participate in the Observer Program for Governmental Agencies/boards serving the 9 Bay Area counties.
There are currently no past events to display. Check back soon!