Come chat with your fellow League members at Jack's Restaurant on Sunday, October 1 from 2 - 4 PM. Bring your thoughts and ideas on how to educate and keep voters informed about upcoming elections and issues.
Join us for coffee on August 12, 2023. Meet members of the LWV of Southwest Santa Clara Valley and Ukrainian National Women's League of America (UNWLA).
The League of Women Voters of Southwest Santa Clara Valley is proud to co-sponsor West Valley College's 2023 Earth Stewardship Symposium. This is a three day symposium held on the West Valley College campus in Saratoga, California.
Hone your civil discourse skills and add your ideas in this Participative Workshop Conversation around using the elements of Equity & Equality and whether they provide fair solutions to community issues.
Program Planning is the annual process by which we jointly decide where and how we will focus our resources — member time, resources, reputation— over the next year.
Our keynote speaker, Celia Nolan, is a national organizer with Rank the Vote (RTV), which is a 501(c)3 organization with a vision that the national adoption of ranked choice voting could create a political and social culture with elections based o
Learn about California's ballot measures before you vote. Join the LWV of Southwest Santa Clara Valley on Sunday, October 12 from 7:00 - 8:30 PM as we present the pros and cons of each state ballot measure.