Solano County Subscribed Articles

Solano County Subscribed Articles


This story was originally published by TulsaPeople.

This year, Tulsa’s league of the nonpartisan nonprofit organization celebrates 100 years of encouraging informed and active participation in government and influencing public policy through education and advocacy, and leaders within the organization say its mission is as important as ever. 


This story was originally published by CBS News Detroit.

Longtime League leader and voting rights advocate Mildred Madison passed away at the age of 97.


This episode originally aired on The Electorette Podcast.

LWVUS CEO Virginia Kase Solomón spoke to The Electorette about our #WID23 Women's Inequality Day campaign.

Blog Post

Our history is replete with people with disabilities who paved the way for a stronger, more representative democracy — like Judy Heumann, Sojourner Truth, Senator Tammy Duckworth, Claudia Gordan, Harriet Tubman, Joyce Ardell Jackson, and Vilissa Thompson, to name a few. 

Yet we also know that anti-voter laws and regulations disproportionately impact people with disabilities, and the fight to make the vote more accessible is ongoing. 

In this blog, we’ll highlight some of our favorite voting rights activists who were also women with disabilities. Then, we’ll examine how ability and voting rights intersect today. 

Pat Snyder
Member's Spotlight

Long-time League member Pat Snyder used her intelligence, compassion, and concern for others to work for social and economic justice throughout her life.

Mayor Protem Antioch

The LWVDV Voter Services team reports on last month's activities.

Constitution Day - We The People Logo

In honor of the 236th anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution, NCC is opening its newest exhibit gallery, devoted completely to the First Amendment, on September 6th. Additionally, throughout the day on September 18th , the NCC will be presenting a variety of live Constitution Day programs that “We the People” can register to attend virtually.

Blog Post

The LWVDV President provides a quick update on League activities.

Blog Post

Secret ballots are critical to democratic participation because they ensure people’s safety and privacy in voting.

Threats to the secret ballot have largely flown under the radar, but in 2021, 29 states introduced such audit bills. As defenders of democracy, it’s critical that we oppose any policies that limit voter participation and access.

Public Statement

Seattle, WA – Campaign Legal Center, joined by the League of Women Voters of Washington, Fix Democracy First and the Brennan Center for Justice, today filed an amicus brief in State of Washington v. Meta Platforms, Inc. supporting a Washington state law that advances voters’ right to know who is spending in their elections.
