

About LWV's National Organization


What Does the League Do Now?

Women Vote The League of Women Voters is a peoples' organization that has fought since 1920 to improve our government and engage all Americans in the decisions that impact their lives. We operate at national, state and local levels through more than 800 state and local Leagues, in all 50 states as well in DC and the Virgin Islands.  We never endorse or oppose political parties or candidates, but we are political.

Formed from the movement that secured the right to vote for women, the centerpiece of the League’s efforts remain to expand participation and give a voice to all Americans. We do this at all three levels of government, engaging in both broad educational efforts as well as advocacy. Our issues are grounded in our respected history of making democracy work for all Americans.

Why Should I Support the League of Women Voters?

LWVThe League is different from many organizations in that what it accomplishes comes directly from the involvement of its members. It is a grassroots organization providing every member with opportunities to learn and educate others about government and take action on public policy. We walk our talk: we believe that we need everyone to participate in order for our community to be strong, safe, and vibrant. Whether you contribute your time, your money, or both you can feel confident that your investment in democracy goes further in the League.

Groups of League members meet to discuss topics in a respectful setting. They learn effective techniques for public discussion, how to advocate on specific policies, and what the issues beneath the rhetoric are. Our study and consensus process ensures that we are fully informed on issues before we take a stand. We also host public forums and debates which are well known for being fair, transparent, and civil. This approach has earned the League a global reputation for integrity and thoroughness.

Your participation in League will expose you to a breadth of experiences and issues that will not only inform you but create greater possibilities for civic engagement than you might imagine. You can spend as much or as little time as you wish. Whether you aspire to leadership or are keen to follow the lead of experienced members, the League will excite, use, and nurture your civic curiosity, ideals, or desire for action. We offer our members webinars, conference calls, workshops, other events and mentorship opportunities throughout the year, at the local, regional, state, and national levels.


 Deborah Turner  National

   The League of Women Voters, founded in 1920, grew out of the women’s suffrage movement. It works to improve government systems and influence public policies through advocacy and education. The League of Women Voters of the United States and League of Women Voters Education Fund operate at the national level. However, the League’s enduring vitality and resonance stem from its decentralized structure that includes more than 800 state and local Leagues. Dr. Deborah Turner, President, LWV. 



Gwendolyn Miller 


LWV has Leagues in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Hong Kong. These provide essential support to national efforts, while at the same time advocating and educating on the state level to achieve a more inclusive, comprehensive reach. The history of the League goes back to 1920, the year that women won the right to vote. Ms. Mabel Lloyd Ridgely was President of both the Delaware Equal Rights Association and the Suffrage Committee of Delaware. From these groups, the League of Women Voters of Delaware was founded. Gwendolyn Miller is the current president LWVDE.


























LWV is a grassroots organization. Local Leagues support state Leagues while working locally to further increase participation and influence. We have 3 local Leagues statewide striving to promote engaged citizenship. Members hold candidate forums, issue Voter Guides to inform citizens on local races and ballot amendments, and sponsor public forums to encourage Delaware voters and elected officials to broaden their understanding of key issues. The League of Women Voters of Delaware (LWVDE) was established at a convention in Dover on March 29, 1958. Dr. Chandra Owens is the current president of LWVKC.