A Call for LWVNCC Leadership Candidates

A Call for LWVNCC Leadership Candidates


The LWVNCC Nominating Committee published the following appeal for leadership candidates in our Feb 2023 newsletter:

The League of Women Voters of New Castle County Nominating Committee is working on preparing a slate of officers and directors for the 2023-2024-2025 term - to be presented for election at our annual meeting. Several positions need to be filled:

    • President, Vice President, Secretary, Nominating Committee, and several directors.
    • Another vacant position is the Chairperson (or Co-Chairs) of Candidate Forums.

League members are needed who are willing to be part of the leadership that guides us into the future - as we seek to fulfill our mission. If this is you, do step up! We need officers, directors and volunteers with a variety of skill sets. And if someone you know has leadership potential, we want to hear about them, as well...

Please forward your name and the position(s) you are interested in, as well as other League members who have leadership potential. Don’t hide your talents behind modesty!

All the suggestions are confidential and should be sent to [Nominating Committee Chair] Linda Barnett.

Your response will be most helpful if we hear from you no later than February 20th.

--Nominating Committee members: Linda Barnett (Chairperson), Ivonne Antongiorgi, Lorraine S. Botticelli, Kristin Brownlee and Tiffany Geyer Lydon

Please find an overview of Barod service and upcoming vacant positions, as well as Linda's contact email, in our February 2023 VOTER Newsletter (pages 5 and 6).


League to which this content belongs: 
New Castle County