Delware Online Voter Portal
Registering to Vote
Apply with the County Department of Elections by mail or in person or by phone.
To register online, go to the Voter Portal at ivote.de.gov.
Or, you may register at any of these agencies if you have other business to do there: Division of Motor Vehicles, Department of Health & Social Services, Department of Labor, WIC program offices, Armed Forces recruitment centers, the State Election Commissioner's office, or at institutions of higher learning when you register for classes.
Eligibility: To be eligible to vote in the State of Delaware, you must be:
- A citizen of the United States, AND
- A resident of Delaware; Delaware is your home, AND
- 18 years of age by the date of the next General Election
Exceptions: You may not register to vote in Delaware if you
- Were convicted of a felony and have not completed your sentence, OR
- Were convicted of a disqualifying felony and have not been pardoned.
Deadlines for the 2024 elections:
- register by Feb 2, 2024 to vote in the April 2, 2024 Presidential Primary (now canceled)
- register by Aug 17, 2024 to be eligible to vote in the Sept 10, 2024 Primary
- register by Oct 12, 2024 to be eligible to vote in the Nov 5, 2024 General Election
Please note that the deadline to switch parties before a primary election is much earlier than the deadline for new voters to register. See the "To Change your Party Affiliation" section later on this page for those deadlines.
ID Needed for Voter Registration: Identification is not necessary to register to vote if you use the National Voter Registration Form. However, when registering with the department of elections or at an alternate approved location, current identification is required. The identification must include current and valid photo ID that shows full name and address. If that is not available, you may submit a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document that shows full name and address.
For voters without a fixed address: Anyone lacking a fixed residence or who is homeless and is otherwise qualified to vote in Delaware may register by completing the proper registration forms and providing two pieces of identification containing his/her name; one of the pieces must include the mailing address on the application, which may be a shelter or agency.
For Uniformed and Overseas Voters: Military and Overseas voters are United States Citizens who are members of the Army, Navy, Air Force Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Merchant Marine, commissioned corps of the Public Health Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, family members of the above and United States citizens residing outside of the country... for information, go to the Department of Elections Absentee Voting Information Page.
Felons: Former felons are eligible to vote if they have met certain requirements: at least five years must have elapsed since the full sentence (prison and probation) and any fines have been satisfied before an application to register can be made. Felony convictions for murder, some sexual crimes or a crime against the public (e.g. abuse of office, bribery, etc.) results in permanent loss of the right to vote. Call the Office of the State Election Commissioner at 302-739-4277 if you have questions about your eligibility.
Changing Name, Address or Party
It is your responsibility to notify the County Department of Elections as soon as you move. They will update your records and supply you with new information about your polling place, etc. If you are still waiting to notify the County Department, you may still vote. You may call the County Department of Elections for information about your new polling place location or use the online Voter Portal. Before voting there, fill out a change of address form. You may also fill out a change of address in the Fail Safe Voting line in the polling place.
You may affiliate with a party when you register to vote. If you do not affiliate with any party, you will be registered as "unaffiliated" and will not be able to vote in a Primary Election.
You may change your political party affiliation (including from "unaffiliated" to a party):
- Before a State Primary Election: up through the last Saturday in May.
- Before a Presidential Primary: until 60 days before the Presidential Primary.
Deadlines for the 2024 election:
- March 9, 2024 for the April 2, 2024 Presidential Primary Election (now canceled)
- May 24, 2024 is the last day to switch parties for the Sept 10, 2024 State Primary Election
To change your official party affiliation, contact the County Board of Elections or use the online Voter Portal.
Your Polling Place and Registration Status
Voting in Delaware
Learn more about voting on our Voting in Delaware Elections page.