LWV NCC Studies
New Castle County participates in LWVDE state-level studies when we have local interest and expertise. Our League can also undertake studies of local/county issues on our own behalf, when the need arises. If there are new studies you'd like our local League to undertake, please bring those ideas forward to the Board.
LWVDE Studies
Energy and Climate Change Studies - The Energy Committee of the LWV New Castle County, and its Climate Change Subcommittee, initiated the past Energy and Climate studies that influenced both state and LWVUS policy and positions in this area. Local League member Chad Tolman (pictured above) led this effort and continues to act as Climate Chair for LWVNCC.
Alternative Voting Methodologies Study - The 2019-2021 LWVDE Study on Alternative Voting Methodologies, that resulted in a new state Action Position in favor of ranked-choice voting (RCV) for Delaware, was initiated and led by an LWVNCC member with a strong interest in the subject. Read more about that study here: Alternative Voting Methodologies Study 2019-2021.
Details of current and past Delaware state-level studies are available on the LWVDE website League Studies and Studies Archives pages. Findings from some past studies initiated by LWVNCC members are available in the Attachments area, below.