Delaware's Voting Machines
Delaware purchased new voting systems in 2018. The new machines were used for the first time in the school board elections in May 2019. After you mark your choices on the electronic screen, the new voting machines print a paper ballot as the ballot of record. It is very important to carefully review the paper ballot to make sure it reflects your true choices, before finalizing your vote. The paper ballot will be used for recounts when needed, and for routine post-election audits that verify machine accuracy.
Watch this Delaware Department of Elections short demonstration video to see how to cast your vote using the new machines.
Mail-in Voting - Not an option in Delaware
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the state of Delaware provided for mail-in ballots to safeguard the health of citizens who did not wish to risk exposure by voting in-person at the polls. Unfortunately, a 2022 law (SB 320 in the 151st DE General Assembly) to make vote-by-mail a permanent option in Delaware was overturned by the courts. Mail-in voting is still not avilable in our state pending amendment to the state constitution.
Mail-in ballots have proved popular with the citizenry, in Delaware as in many other states. One great advantage is that voters see all the races and can reasearch all the candidates on their ballots at their leisure. There is no worry of being surprised at the ballot box when voting by mail.
Voting and Elections Calendar
Visit the State of Delaware Election Calendars page to find Delaware's current and prior-year official election calendars.
- Presidential Primary: Tuesday April 2, 2024. - Canceled as of March 19th
- School Board Election: Tuesday May 14, 2024, polls open from 7 am to 8 pm.
- State Primary: Tues Sept 10, 2024, 7 am to 8 pm. Plus 10 days early in-person voting.
- General Election: Tues Nov 5, 2024, 7 am to 8 pm.
How to Vote in Delaware State and Federal Elections
Finding Your Polling Place: You can find your polling place on the online Voter Portal at ivote.de.gov. (You will need to enter your information to pull up your voter records, and then select the specific election from the drop-down list in the center of the page to show the polling place or vote centers for that election.)
ID Needed for Voting: Identification is required ONLY if you have registered using the National Voter Registration Form and thus did not supply it originally. In that case, the voter must present current identification which includes a current and valid photo ID that shows full name and address. If a photo ID cannot be produced, a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck or other government document that shows full name and address will be accepted. Identification is also required the first time you vote in person or with an in person absentee ballot.
Absentee Ballot Process: To vote absentee, you must submit an affidavit to request a ballot and swear or affirm that you are unable to go to your regular polling place during the election. There are separate affadavits for each type of election and for each county. The affidavit can be obtained by phoning or writing the County Board of Elections or the affidavit may be downloaded from the Delaware Election Commission website.
Early Voting: You may vote by absentee ballot in-person at the County Board of Elections. Contact the Board of Elections office to determine when absentee ballots will be available and the hours for voting. Be sure to take proof of identity with you when you go to vote. In-office voting ends on the Monday before Tuesday election days.
Polling Place Hours: Polling place hours are 7:00 am to 8:00 pm. If you are in line waiting to vote at closing time, you may cast yout vote even if it is done after 8:00 pm.
For Uniformed and Overseas Voters: Military and Overseas voters are United States Citizens who are members of the Army, Navy, Air Force Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Merchant Marine, commissioned corps of the Public Health Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, family members of the above and United States citizens residing outside of the country. For information, refer to the Uniformed and Overseas Voters page of the DOE website.
Felons: Former felons are eligible to vote if they have met certain requirements: at least five years must have elapsed since the full sentence (prison and probation) and any fines have been satisfied before an application to register can be made. Felony convictions for murder, some sexual crimes or a crime against the public (e.g. abuse of office, bribery, etc.) results in permanent loss of the right to vote. To see if you are eligible please contact (302)739-4277.
To Change your address or name: It is your responsibility to notify your County Department of Elections as soon as you move. If you haven't yet notified your County Department, you can still vote. Call your County Department of Elections or check the online Voter Portal to locate your new polling place. You may fill out a change of address in the Fail Safe Voting line at the polling place.
Candidate Services: Information for candidates for public office in Delaware including how to register to be a candidate, voter statistics, and past election reports as well as online Delaware state law resources about candidate activities and guidelines are here.
For information about voting and elections not covered above: Contact your County Department of Elections for information.
Voting in Municipal Elections
To vote in city elections that are placed on the state general election ballot a person must be registered with the state before voting.
The state has established requirements for the conduct of municipal elections. There is a separate affidavit to apply for an absentee ballot in municipal elections. Contact the County Department of Elections or your municipal (city or town) government for information.