Coralie Pryde quoted on WDEL regarding DRBC Shipping Vote

Coralie Pryde quoted on WDEL regarding DRBC Shipping Vote

Press Mention
Date of Release or Mention: 
Thursday, September 10, 2020

The Delaware River Basin Commission voted Thursday to place on hold a potential port expansion in New Jersey which would create a route for shipping fracking byproduct. LWVDE has serious concerns about the safety implications of the proposed shipping of LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) and other petroleum products down the Delaware River.

LWVDE's Coralie Pryde is quoted in this WDEL article about Delaware River Basin Commission vote last Thursday, following an advocacy effort that included a formal letter to Delaware's Governor Carney pleading caution. We are fortunate to have someone who is so capable of presenting detailed technical/scientific information as our League Environmental Chair.

More information, including a link to a Delaware Riverkeepers petition that you can sign, is available in our Delaware Riverkeepers Hot Topic Article.