Delaware Riverkeepers presents arguments in opposition of LNG Shipping

Delaware Riverkeepers presents arguments in opposition of LNG Shipping

LWVNCC Hot Topic - Shipping of Liquified Natural Gas and other Flammable Hydrocarbons on the Delaware River

On Monday August 24, 2020, Tracy Carluccio of the Delaware Riverkeeper Network, along with LWVDE Environmental Committee Chair Coralie Pryde, presented to the League of Women Voters on the following Hot Topic: "Will Liquified Natural Gas and Other Flammable Hydrocarbons be Exported Via the Delaware River?"


In June 2019 Delawareans learned that Governor Carney had joined other Governors on the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) in voting to allow Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and other flammable hydrocarbons to be shipped out of a port in New Jersey and down the Delaware River. Many of us were surprised and dismayed with concerns about safety and effects on global warming.

The DRBC will soon be re-voting on this issue. Many groups in other states are actively opposing the project. Learn what they are doing and what you can do. This presentation covers background of the proposed Gibbstown NJ port project by Delaware River Partners LLC, concerns particular to Delaware, and a discussion of possible actions that can be taken by those opposed to the project.

Video of Presentation

Presentation slides are attached at the bottom of this article, and the presentation itself is available in three video segments, below:

Related Links

For those who wish to take action against the shipping of flammable hydrocarbons on the Delaware River, these links are offered by the presenters for action and additional information:

The Petition campaign – "we need many individual signers and we hope you will sign the petition yourself and share it with others so we can get lots of signers telling the DRBC “NO!” on the proposed Gibbstown LNG Export Terminal. DRBC will be voting on whether or not the LNG terminal will move ahead in the coming weeks, possibly September 10"

The Municipal Resolution Campaign - "We need folks to approach your municipality with our model resolution opposing the transport of LNG through communities. Please fill out the Google signup form if you can do this and you can join the effort underway. THANK YOU!"

Here is the link to the model municipal/county resolution for Delaware.

Maps and Information

Here are links that show the 4 potential truck and rail routes: static maps, or an interactive map that you can zoom in on your area. 

The DRN webpage has loads of info on the project and LNG hazards. You can sign up for Riverkeeper webinars as well.