LWVNCC Land Use Chair Peggy Schultz featured in County Video

LWVNCC Land Use Chair Peggy Schultz featured in County Video

Peggy Schultz - League of Women Voters
Press Mention
Date of Release or Mention: 
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

NCC2050 Comprehensive Plan Kicks Off with Video

New Castle County, Delaware published a six-minute video on YouTube and Facebook to help kick off the 2050 comprehensive planning process. League of Women Voters of New Castle County (LWVNCC)'s own Peggy Schultz, our Land Use and Transportation Chair, is featured prominently.

Look for Peggy starting about 1 1/2 minutes in.

New Castle County's 2050 Comprehensive Plan

The comprehensive plan is a community’s vision for the future. It is a legislatively adopted strategy that helps us shape the physical characteristics of our community for the future. A good comprehensive plan examines items such as: the proper use of land; economic development; housing, transportation, and other infrastructure; the environment; and cultural and historic resource preservation. In Delaware, a comprehensive plan is more than just a casual guidebook; it is intended to provide legal justification for a government’s decisions regarding our natural and built environment.

Input Sought from Residents

New Castle County routinely examines the county's comprehensive plan, and the New Castle County Department of Land Use is looking for input from you. Visit NCC2050.newcastlede.gov to participate.