October 2021 - Air Emissions, Climate and Health

October 2021 - Air Emissions, Climate and Health

President's Message by Richard Johnson
Blog Post

The League of Women Voters of New Castle County (LWVNCC) President Richard Johnson's message for October 2021 is included below...

Monday, September 27th marked another successful webinar that attracted 72 people passionate about Climate Change, the environment, and the effects on our health. For those who attended including myself, we discovered PM 2.5, which is a particle smaller than a strand of human hair is the underlying cause of asthma, heart disease, COPD, and other related diseases. PM2.5 is the result from combustion engines with the primary culprit being diesel emissions. The map of Delaware clearly showed the affected areas are within 8 miles on either side of I-95. The areas most affected are designated as social justice areas in the state of Delaware. Social justice is built on the facts that everyone deserves equal economic, political, and social rights and opportunities. Individuals living in a designated social justice area are not only at an economic disadvantage but clearly a significant health disadvantage as well

A lesson that I learned was when it comes to Climate Change, we tend to focus on increased temperatures, storms, rising oceans and poor air quality. We tend to focus on aspects and forget that the most important is our overall health.

I want to thank Doctors Anna Quisel and David Donohue on their very enlightening presentation outlining all the health effects of Climate Change. After their presentation it was apparent that the League must take a more active role in working with our State Legislators to focus more on the health of Delawareans and start looking at supporting more alternative solutions like wind, solar and battery storage capacity in electric vehicles. My thanks go out to Peggy Shultz and Jane Dilley who made this event possible.

-- Dick Johnson

If you missed the fabulous presentation on HEALTH, CLIMATE, VEHICLES, AND YOU on Monday, September 27, 2021, the full video is now available online: Hot Topic - Health, Climate, Vehicles and YOU.

League to which this content belongs: 
New Castle County