President's Message for February 2019

President's Message for February 2019

President's Message.... by Marj Johnson (with headshot & swirl)
Blog Post

The League of Women Voters of New Castle County (LWVNCC) President Marjorie Johnson's message for February 2019 is included below...

As I write this we are entering into a deep freeze like we've never experienced before. When I went out this morning, I had to tug and tug to get my frozen car door open! And now the wind is howling around my house.

Despite the long, cold, dark days of January, your League has been busy at work. The Election Committee that the Advocacy Corps put together (chaired by Jill Itzkowitz and Catriona Binder-MacLeod from the NCC League) has been meeting regularly as a group in Smyrna and individually with several senators and representatives, and we are hopeful that several election reform bills will be passed this session. We wrote an op-ed in the News Journal to encourage people to run for school board positions in New Castle County and will continue to provide the public with school board election information and the site regarding the candidates.

Last, but certainly not least, several of us were in Dover for the passage of the ERA in Delaware--a LONG time coming. Delaware was among the states that ratified the national constitutional amendment back in the 70s, but since there weren't enough states to ratify it, it is STILL not included in the US constitution. FINALLY, almost 50 years later, Delaware is officially putting it in our state constitution that "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged on account of the sex of the person". Many thanks to Rep. Valerie Longhurst and Sen. Stephanie Hansen for their persistent effort in getting this passed.

Take heart from that example and never give up on the causes that affect our democracy, justice and inclusion.

-- Marj Johnson

League to which this content belongs: 
New Castle County