September 2021 - Back in Action!

September 2021 - Back in Action!

President's Message by Richard Johnson
Blog Post

The League of Women Voters of New Castle County (LWVNCC) President Richard Johnson's message for September 2021 is included below...

Moving into the fall this year our plans are to expand and resume activities. As we expand these activities, we need your help. Consider being involved in any of the activities listed below or we are open to any and all new ideas.

    • We plan to have quarterly social events where we have an opportunity to interact with each other. With COVID still around that makes it more difficult but we can have some fun events where we do a Jeopardy session online or other events. We need your help in creating and planning these fun events.
    • In September the Naturalization Ceremonies are scheduled to start. If you haven’t participated in one of these events, I think you will find it quite moving ceremony. The first ceremony is scheduled for Friday, Sept 17 at the US District Court House at 11am. Please consider volunteering for one session this year.
    • Fundraising is critical to the financial health of the organization, and it gives our current members and potentially new members a chance to come up with some creative and fun opportunities. Most recently we conducted an online auction. In the past we had a fun and very successful fundraiser at the BBC Tavern and Grill. So, this year we are looking for members that have new ideas. It can only happen with you.
    • Membership - One of the key areas of growth is new members. One of the areas that we are targeting this year is to develop stronger relationships with other organizations. These relationships require that our members become active members in other organizations that share our same values and are focused on adding more diversity, equity, and inclusion. If this is an area that you feel a passion for, then step up and help us this year accomplish new goals.

These are just four areas of interest and there are many more. I am issuing a challenge to all our members please step up and be an active participant in our organization this year. The more members become active, the more that we can accomplish as an organization.

-- Dick Johnson