CANCELED - LWVNCC Land Use / Transportation Committee Meeting

CANCELED - LWVNCC Land Use / Transportation Committee Meeting

tiny transparent globe of earth sits in greenery


Home of Cami Seward
Monday, March 16, 2020 - 10:00am to Tuesday, March 17, 2020 - 11:45am

Update 3/13/2020 - the LWVNCC Land Use / Transportation committee meeting scheduled for 3/16/2020 has been canceled until further notice.

Meeting at Cami Seward's home in Newark; contact Peggy Schultz for directions.

New folks especially welcome!

Agenda items include the following:

  1. A planning game from New Castle County. Andrea Trabelsi (Assistant General Manager in Planning) asked us to be guinea pigs for the game, undoubtedly in preparation for NCC Comprehensive Plan update
  2. Discuss strategy for Hercules property
  3. Update on several issues, including NO permission to lobby in D.C. for HR763.