GREAT DECISIONS - The Philippines and the US

GREAT DECISIONS - The Philippines and the US

Great Decisions 2020


Zoom web conference
Monday, November 16, 2020 - 1:00pm to Tuesday, November 17, 2020 - 12:45pm

Regular third-Monday meeting of the LWVNCC Great Decisions discussion group. On Monday, November 16th via Zoom web conference, Marianne Green will lead discussion on the “The Philippines and the U.S.” topic.

LWVNCC Great Decisions foreign policy discussions are open to the public. Newcomers, if you would like to attend, please contact Brenda Toomey for the Zoom connection link.

All participants should watch the Foreign Policy Association video beforehand: The Will of The People - Duterte's Philippines

This group normally meets at the Newark Free Library eight months out of the year, but is using the virtual meeting format in 2020 due to coroanavirus concerns. The eight Great Decisions Topics chosen by the Foreign Policy Association for 2020 are as follows:

    • Climate Change and the Global Order
    • India and Pakistan
    • Red Sea Security
    • Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
    • U.S. Relations with the Northern Triangle
    • China's Road into Latin America
    • The Philippines and the U.S.
    • Artificial Intelligence and Data