Guest Bartender Fundraiser

Guest Bartender Fundraiser

LWV - League of Women Voters of New Castle County, Guest Bartending Fundraiser (event details & participant photos)


Brandywine Brewing Company
4019 Kennett Pike
Greenville Delaware 19807
Delaware US
Wednesday, September 18, 2019 - 6:00pm to Thursday, September 19, 2019 - 8:45pm

The League of Women Voters of New Castle County (LWVNCC) is excited to tell you about our upcoming fundraiser at BBC Tavern on September 18, 2019!  Twenty members from Delaware communities have agreed to guest bar-tend to support our campaign to educate and empower voters in the 2020 election cycle. 

Guest bartenders include County Executive Matt Meyer, legislators from both sides of the aisle, league members and supporters.

It's a Competition!

"Team Stars" and "Team Stripes" are competing for fundraising glory. Stripes has the early lead; who will win? Help your favorite bartender fill their tip jar and propel their team to victory!!
# "Stars" team "Stripes" team
1 Catrina Jefferson, captain Richard Johnson, captain
2  Erik Raser-Schramm  County Executive Matt Meyer
3  Representative Mike Smith  Susan Mitchell
4  Representative David Bentz  Aja Ajavon
5  Jill Itzkowitz  Senator Anthony Delcollo
6  Sallie Reissman  Denise Tracy
7  Representative Krista Giffith  Mary O'Connell
8  Melissa Hopkins  James Spadola
9  Adriana Ochoa  Casey Davis
10  Erika Gutierrez  Kyra Hoffner

Fundraising details:

  1. Attendees who are at BBC for the fundraiser can write “LWV” on their dinner bill. 10% will be donated to LWVNCC. 
  2. All tips earned by the guest bartenders from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm will be donated to LWVNCC. 
  3. There will be both a 50/50 raffle and a silent auction on the night of the event.
  4. Fundraising starts now! We can collect donations online here: Donation Link

 Ways you can help make this a successful event: 

  1. Print and post the PDF icon Event Flier
  2. Go to the Facebook event (this link will take you there), mark interested or attending, and invite your friends on Facebook!
  3. Forward this email to others who may be interested.
  4. Donate online here: Donation Link

Thank you for supporting this event! With your help, we can reach our goals and empower more voters during this critical upcoming 2020 election season.