HOT TOPIC LUNCH - The Census 2020

HOT TOPIC LUNCH - The Census 2020

The 2020 U.S. CENSUS - Get ready... it's coming!


Michaels Restaurant
1000 Churchman's Rd
Newark Delaware 19713
Delaware US
Monday, February 24, 2020 - 11:30am to Tuesday, February 25, 2020 - 12:45pm

If you missed our February Hot Topic, you can watch Rmanda Chapman's presentation on our LWVNCC Facebook Page.

Original Event Post:

The public is invited to all Hot Topic meetings to become informed on a wide variety of topics. It is also a time to check in with members of The League of Women Voters, make new friends, and invite your neighbors and colleagues to experience the League in an informal setting.

Feburary Topic - The Census 2020

In January 2020, we will hear from Rmanda D. Chapman, a partnership specialist from the U.S. Census Bureau's Philadelphia regional center. Rmanda will tell us everything we ever wanted to know about the census, including plans for hard-to-reach populations and why an accurate count matters. 

Why an Accurate Census Count Matters

The census is a federally mandated count of the population taken every 10 years. Census numbers are used for many purposes:

    • deciding how many representatives in Congress each state has
    • drawing district boundaries: legislative, school districts and voting precincts
    • enforcing voting and civil rights legislation
    • distributing federal dollars to states
    • informing planning decisions of federal, state and local government
    • informing organizational decisions of businesses and non-profits (e.g. where to locate stores and facilities based the size of the local market)

In 2010 it is estimated that undercounting in Delaware led to over $10 million per year in lost federal funding for critical community services - over $100 million in a decade.

Census 101 Flier

LWV has prepared a census action toolkit with links to many resources including this U.S. Census Bureau PDF icon Census 101 flier. Nationally and here in Delaware, the League of Women Voters is working to ensure an accurate 2020 census count. The League’s Census work will occur in three phases: (1) Education; (2) Get Out to Count activities, (3) Watchdog reporting.

Venue and Logistics

LWVNCC Hot Topic lunches are held at Michaels' Restaurant in Christiana.  $18.00 paid at time of the event covers buffet lunch, soft beverage and tip. Please pay in cash if at all possible. If you don't wish to buy lunch, you may come at 12:10 pm to hear the presentation only.

RSVP to the Office Manager by Sunday, Jan 26th so we can let the restaurant know how many to expect. If you need a ride, leave a message on the League Office phone or e-mail when you RSVP. If you have not made a reservation please come anyway.