If you missed our January Hot Topic, you can watch Adam Balick's presentation on our new LWVNCC Facebook Page.
Original Event Post:
The public is invited to all Hot Topic meetings to become informed on a wide variety of topics. It is also a time to check in with members of The League of Women Voters, make new friends, and invite your neighbors and colleagues to experience the League in an informal setting.
In January 2020, Attorney Adam Balick will speak about Delaware's Criminal Justice code. Some experts have come to the conclusion that the Delaware's criminal justice code needs to be fully rewritten. Others believe that would be “too much.” Recent efforts at legislative reform have succeeded in a piecemeal fashion, but a parallel effort for a complete rewrite to streamline and overhaul has not gained traction in the legislature.
Our speaker is Adam Balick, of Balick & Balick, one of the oldest law firms in Delaware. For over 50 years Balick & Balick has been home to attorneys who are immersed professionally, politically, and personally, in Delaware life. Adam Balick has extensive knowledge of the intricacies of Delaware law, courts, and agencies.
Mr. Balick has considerable litigation experience, first as a prosecutor in the Delaware Attorney General’s Office, then in private practice. Among his many distinctions, Mr. Balick has served on the Criminal Justice Improvement Committee and the working group tasked with a rewrite of the Delaware criminal code. He now serves on the Criminal Justice Council as Chair of the Delaware Correctional Reentry Commission.
LWVNCC Hot Topic lunches are held at Michaels' Restaurant in Christiana. $18.00 paid at time of the event covers buffet lunch, soft beverage and tip. Please pay in cash if at all possible. If you don't wish to buy lunch, you may come at 12:10 pm to hear the presentation only.
RSVP to the Office Manager by Sunday, Jan 26th so we can let the restaurant know how many to expect. If you need a ride, leave a message on the League Office phone or e-mail when you RSVP. If you have not made a reservation please come anyway.