LWVNCC TED DISCUSSION - Criminal Justice Reform

LWVNCC TED DISCUSSION - Criminal Justice Reform


zoom web conference
Delaware US
Saturday, January 21, 2023 - 10:00am

The League of Women Voters of New Castle County invites you to our monthly TED Discussion, held on third Saturdays via Zoom web conference.

The meeting format is to watch the TED Talk and then discuss the "Ideas Worth Sharing." Contact discussion moderator Kay Palmer or the League Office for details.

January Topic - Criminal Justice Reform

Defunding the Police, Blues Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter, Criminal Justice, ending Cash Bail, and other mantras were part of the last election cycle.  But what do they really mean in the big picture. The TED talk for this month, How to Fix Two of the Most Broken Systems in the US, explores the notions in this insightful conversation between Nick Turner and Whitney Pennington Rodgers. Mr. Turner unpacks the ways our criminal legal system reinforces century old economic and racial inequality. Ms. Pennington Rodgers draws the conversation to a point of outlining a fix to repair the broken systems. Join in the conversation to hear more about the fix.

Whitney Pennington Rodgers portrait from TED Speaker profile page TED Speaker<br />
Nick Turner portrait from TED Speaker profile page

Pictured: Journalist Whitney Pennington Rodgers at left, reformer Nick Turner at right.

Laying out the fix for the broken systems is Nick Turner, a criminal justice reformer through his organization, the Vera Institute of Justice. He is motivated by righting wrongs and fighting for the fairness, justice and opportunity that is promised in this country. The motivation stems from his time as a social worker in Washington D.C in the early 1990’s. In this role he witnessed the poverty, the failed systems, the throw-away attitude that occurs in our society toward the poor and people of color.

Kay Palmer will be our host: Pre-register for this conversation to be held virtually on January 21, 2023 at 10:00 am using the link provided above.