Support equal housing opportunities and affordable housing county-wide
Position In Brief: 

LWVNCC supports measures to assure equal housing opportunities and decent, affordable housing in the incorporated and unincorporated areas of New Castle County.

The Incorporated and Unincorporated Areas of New Castle County
Support for:
▪ Programs to provide decent, safe and sanitary housing with the required enforcement measures.
▪ The belief that all citizens of the incorporated and unincorporated areas of New Castle County should have equal access to housing.
▪ The concept of publicly-assisted housing the incorporated and unincorporated areas of New Castle County “including scattered sites”.
▪ Financial aid and counseling with regard to rehabilitation and relocation.
▪ Enforcement of all housing codes in the incorporated and unincorporated areas of New Castle County.
▪ Cooperation between New Castle County and the Cities of Wilmington and Newark in solving the complex problems of adequate housing for people with low and moderate incomes.
▪ Encouraging the investment of private capital in middle-income housing in the City of Wilmington.
▪ Providing those services which make a neighborhood a desirable place to live.

League to which this content belongs: 
New Castle County