By Sue Hatch
This year marks the eighth Civics Challenge competition, an event organized and co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters and the Alachua County Public Schools (ACPS). For seven years the Challenge has helped middle school students prepare for the state exam on civics, while shining a spotlight on those who excel in the study of our government. Each spring, middle school teams meet in the Alachua County offices in downtown Gainesville to compete face to face in a “family feud” style competition and through written exams. Last year 49 students, their teachers and supporters enjoyed an all-day event, beginning with opening remarks from Janice Garry, President of the League of Women Voters and County Commissioner, Marihelen Wheeler. During lunch, everyone enjoyed a picnic on the Bo Didley Plaza and the day ended with t-shirts and medals for all participants, and trophies for the winning teams awarded by Jon Rehm, ACPS Social Studies Curriculum Specialist and Diyonne McGraw, Chair of the Alachua County School Board. In addition to the in-person competition, ACPS hosted a virtual competition for all seventh grade students in which 2,000 students took part.
The Civics Challenge has been so well received that in 2024 Curriculum Specialist Rehm launched a new virtual competition for the Alachua County Public High School eleventh grade students in U.S. History. Jon reported that, “…about 600 U.S. History students took part in the U.S. History Challenge. I am really happy with the number of students who participated in the first year. The teachers who participated gave fantastic feedback. I think that we will have more participation next year in the U.S. History Challenge.” This competition also helps teachers prepare their students for an end-of-year exam, in a fun and original way.
We appreciate your continued support of the Civics Challenge through your League dues. Your money goes to pay for student transportation, lunches, programs, t-shirts, trophies and the virtual platform needed to reach all those who take part online. Last year we expanded to include 600 high school students and hope to include more this year. But as the number of participants rises, so do the costs. Having seen the budget grow each year, I am constantly amazed by how our school administrators stretch every dollar of funding. For example, Jon has arranged to use the district food and nutrition program to cater, which means student lunches are paid for by federal grants, and we end up paying only a nominal amount for the adults. But despite Jon doing all he can to keep down costs, to allow more students to take part, we have to spend more money. Please consider helping us by donating or signing up to sponsor.
To donate any amount, you can click here use PayPal or your credit card. After you click on "Donate", you will be taken to a spot to enter the amount you wish to donate, and then taken to a place where you can write in under, "Special Instructions" that you wish your donation go to "Civics Challenge". Please remember to make this notation, so CC will receive your donation. Or, if you prefer, you can write a check to ACPS and put “Civics Challenge” on the memo line, and send the check to: ATTN: Jon Rehm, Alachua County Public Schools, 620 E University Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32607.
If you wish to become a sponsor, or know a business that might wish to sponsor this event, we offer a few options:
- T-shirt sponsor($1000): Listed in event programs and on the back of the student and staff T-shirts for the live event.
- Middle school competition package sponsor ($750): listed online in virtual competition
- High School competition package sponsor ($750): listed online in virtual competition
- Competition round sponsor ($300). Announced before the live round and listed in the event programs.
- Civics Challenge supporter: ($100 and up): listed in the event programs
You can sponsor by using the credit card option or by sending a check, but if you wish to sponsor t-shirts, we need your donation by March 1, 2025 and all other sponsorship donations by March 30, 2025. For questions about tax deductions, please consult your tax professionals.
Thank you for your interest in helping prepare tomorrow’s citizens! If you have any questions, please contact sghatch1 [at] gmail.com (Sue Hatch).