President's Message, April 2022

President's Message, April 2022

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Blog Post

April 15, 2022

Dear Members,

At the end of March, LWVFL announced some great news! Chief U.S. District Judge Mark Walker ruled that Florida’s Senate Bill 90 violates federal law, unconstitutionally impeding the right to vote for Floridians.

It is a busy time for our League. I hope you were able to attend our two virtual events earlier this month. It’s also time for our Annual Meeting on May 25th at 6:30 p.m., where we will pass the 2022-2023 Budget, Local Program, and elect officers. This year we are filling the offices of President, Secretary, Elected Director and appointing our nominating committee for 2022-2023. One month prior to the meeting, you will receive an email invitation with all the documents for the Annual Meeting and instructions on voting if you cannot attend. The meeting will be held via Zoom so it will be very convenient to participate. Mark your calendars now for May 25th at 6:30 p.m. I hope to see all of you at the meeting, and I look forward to thanking you for the chance to serve as your LWV Alachua County President these last two years.

The other good news is that League work is beginning to return to normal. I am excited that we will be tabling at the 42nd Annual Fifth Avenue Arts Festival on April 23rd and 24th. We will share League information, voter information, as well as registering voters. Please stop by and say “hello”.

And finally, many of you may remember discussions about collecting the historical records of LWV Alachua County. Kathy Kidder is following through on this project. Do you have any past LWV Alachua County records that you would like to move out of your files, garage, or attic? We are gathering paper reports and notes on local League activities, events, studies, committee work, and the like to add to the collection already housed at the Matheson History Museum. Contact Kathy Kidder by info [at] (email) or phone for more information.

Let’s participate in promoting awareness for the health of our environment every day and especially on Earth Day, April 22nd.


info [at]

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Alachua County