- Do you have Medicare but are contemplating a change during Open Enrollment?
- Are you 65 years old and need information to select Original Medicare or Medicare Advantage?
- Are your parents or family members considering which Medicare choices to make?
If so, please join us for a presentation by Dr. Ed Weisbart, M.D., National Board Secretary of Physicians for a National Health Program.
When: Sunday, Nov. 24 from 1-2:30 p.m.
Where: Millhopper Branch Library, Conference Room B
3145 NW 43rd St., Gainesville
You can also join via Zoom by clicking this link just before 1 p.m. on Nov. 24.
Dr. Weisbart will discuss Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage, explain their advantages, disadvantages and differences. He effectively utilizes personal stories to explain possible problems with various choices.
Dr. Weisbart practiced family medicine for 20 years in Chicago, moved to St. Louis to serve as chief medical officer of Express Scripts, and after retiring, volunteered as an assistant professor at Washington University in St. Louis.
His talk will be via Zoom. Also available in-person to help answer participants’ questions will be several counselors and staff of local SHINE (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders), including:
- Barbara Mascari, SHINE Counselor,
- Cheryl Harris, SHINE Liaison, and
- Nerissa Wachter, SHINE Program Specialist.