United States Supreme Court
Washington, DC
See map: Google Maps
Thursday, August 26, 2021 - 12:00pm
On August 26 — Women’s Equality Day — LWV will be joining our partners at the ERA Coalition for a rally in front of the Supreme Court in support of the Equal Rights Amendment. Follow #Rally4ERA on social media to see the action! Find out more at https://www.eracoalition.org/events/rally4era.
This is a very critical time for the Equal Rights Amendment. The U.S. House has removed the ERA time limit and now the U.S. Senate must act.
Join the Feminist Majority, the ERA Coalition, the National Organization for Women (NOW), the National Congress of Black Women, Network NOVA, the Women's Media Center, Transformative Justice Coalition, National Women's Political Caucus, Generation Ratify, ERA Minnesota, Women's March, National Alliance to End Sexual Violence, Leading Women of Tomorrow, Feminist Front, Equal Means Equal, Equality Now, Maryland High School Dems' Women's Caucus, the American Humanist Association, VA NOW, the League of Women Voters, 38 Agree for Georgia, the National Council on Black Civic Participation and the Black Women's Roundtable, Justice for Migrant Women, Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW), Supermajority, Loudoun NOW, MANA, Montgomery County MD NOW, Nevadans for the ERA, and other organizations for a rally on August 26, Thursday, at noon ET on the steps in front of the Supreme Court of the United States, across from the Senate.
We expect leaders and activists from across the nation to be in attendance. #Rally4ERA
Vaccinations encouraged, masks required!
Issues referenced by this event:
Democratic government depends upon informed and active participation at all levels of government.