Action Alert: H0215 - Your Voice is Needed

Action Alert: H0215 - Your Voice is Needed

H0215 Action Alert 2021
Time Range For Action Alert: 
February 28, 2021 to March 5, 2021

This bill reduces public school funding, when it is needed now more than ever, and directs it to private and religious schools. These schools are not regulated or licensed by the State of Idaho's Department of Education and are not required to meet any state educational standards.

Description: This bill has two parts: Strong Students Grant program and Strong Students Scholarship program. Part One is the Strong Students Grant Program which formalizes the Strong Families, Strong Students grant program to help parents meet their child’s unique educational needs. Under Part One, students at public schools, charter schools, private schools, or are homeschooled will receive $500 grants per student per year to pay for allowable education expenses. Grants are available first to families whose Adjusted Gross Income is below $50,000 per year, then to families earning up to $75,000, and then to everyone else for as long as the funding lasts for that year. Part Two of this bill creates a program to provide scholarships for a limited number of students who have previously attended public schools but who subsequently need different options. Qualification standards are the same as for the grant program described above. Scholarships would be equal to 90 percent of the average amount of state funds appropriated per student during the prior fiscal year. Parents will be able to access and spend the grant and scholarship funds on behalf of their child for approved educational expenses through a digital platform. The purpose of the emergency clause is to allow the State Board of Education time to have the applications available by July 1, 2021. 

Bill status: 02/25/2021 House - Reported out of committee with do pass recommendation, 2/26 Filed for third reading U.C. to hold place on third reading calendar until Monday, March 1, 2021 

League position: Oppose – Takes funding away from public schools and gives it to private and religious schools. The League of Women Voters of Idaho believes that every child in Idaho should have an equal educational opportunity in the “general, uniform, and thorough system of public free common schools” required by Article IX of the Idaho Constitution. (Adopted October 1971)

Impact: public school funding now ranks Idaho as 51st in per-student funding.

Call to Action – Email, write to or phone your state senator. Find their contact information here:

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