

The League of Women Voters of Idaho is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization that neither supports nor opposes political candidates or political parties, at any level of government.

As one of the most respected sources of voter information, we are pleased to offer Idahoans guidance on registering to vote and participating in elections. As an organization increasingly recognized as an essential voice of democracy, we serve the state by closely watching the legislative process and advocating in the public interest. We believe in influencing public policy through voter education and advocacy.

We are dedicated to our mission, which is Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy. We provide the tools and information necessary for informed participation.

One of those tools is our voter guide. Be sure to visit for all your election-related information—it’s your go-to resource for finding polling locations, candidate details, and everything you need to make your voice heard!

If you are a woman or man interested in ensuring Idaho’s elections are free, fair, and accessible, and in advocating for policies that impact all Idahoans, please contact your local League for more information about becoming a member.

As voters and League members, we are shaping the future…and so can you!

LWVID Legislative Planning Meeting

For more than 50 years, the League of Women Voters of Idaho has steadfastly advocated for equal educational opportunities for every child in the state.

2025 LWVP Legislative Preview Pocatello League
Event Date: 
01/08/2025 - 7:00pm

Plan to join the League of Women Voters of Pocatello fourth annual virtual forum, “A 2025 Idaho Legislature Preview” on Wednesday, January 8 from 7 – 8:00 p.m MT.

Voting Idaho
Press Mention

Idahoans praise a lifestyle uncluttered by government overreach yet are allowing politicians to chip away one of our state’s most cherished freedoms.

League of Women Voters of Idaho Instagram
Blog Post

Greetings our beloved members! At the League of Women Voters of Idaho, we always look for new ways to ensure that voters are informed about what is going on around the state.

2024 National Federation of the Blind Idaho State Conference

The League of Women Voters of Idaho stands with blind and visually impaired Idahoans and for their voting rights. 2024 National Federation of the Blind Idaho State Conference, March 21-24, 2024, Burley, Idaho.

Sign Pointing to a Ballot Drop Box
Public Statement

As our state director and elections lead Kendal Shaber noted in her testimony this morning, the League is strongly opposed to any efforts to prevent lawful citizens from exercising their right to vote.