We Oppose H521 in 2024

We Oppose H521 in 2024

Boy Running In The Hallway

Mister Chair, members of the committee, my name is Jean Henscheid, I am co-president of the League of Women Voters of Idaho. I am speaking on behalf of our statewide membership in registering opposition to H521. In truth, if a “neutral” choice had been offered it would more accurately characterize our position on this bill. 

Members of the League of Women Voters of Idaho represent a cross section of our state: business owners, elected officials, farmers, city planners, teachers, accountants, ministers, librarians, and civic leaders. We are all grateful to the governor and many legislative leaders who have worked this year to establish the state’s primacy in maintaining Idaho’s public-school facilities. While we agree that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, the bird in H521 is small, malnourished, and weighed down by a thick coating of extraneous material.  

During the House committee hearing, the bill received subdued praise from several organization representatives. Why the hesitance?

  • This bill will not eliminate the need for bonds and levies.

  • Rural districts are seriously shortchanged by proposed funding allotments.

  • Revenue projections seem overly optimistic.

  • Many observers are hard pressed to understand the relationship among all the subjects included in this bill.

In his opening sentence at the House committee hearing, Majority Leader Jason Monks introduced H521 as “a tax cut bill. That’s what we’re doing here.” Idaho has waited 19 years for the state to act on funding school facilities. Please consider slowing the process down long enough to give this bird a chance. Amend what is here. Thank you. I stand for questions. 

Submitted on 3-05-24 to the Idaho Senate Local Government & Taxation Committee 

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