

Donors like you have made us the most trusted voice in positive solutions to public policy issues.

Summer 2022 Campaign: Defeat the proposed constitutional amendment through voter education to protect women's health care and reproductive rights.

Thank you for your inquiry and your support of our advocacy!

You may make donations through this website or by check. We have both tax-deductible and not tax-deductible options.

A gift to the general fund of the League of Women Voters of Manhattan-Riley County, a 501(c)4 organization, is NOT tax-deductible. We may use these funds where needed. You may choose this option from the drop down menu within PayPal. By check, please make your donation to: League of Women Voters of Manhattan-Riley County (or LWVMRC) and signify general fund on your memo line.

If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation, please choose the League of Women Voters Education Fund from the drop down menu on PayPal or write your check to: League of Women Voters Education Fund. We will continue to use these funds for outreach on key issues. 

You may mail your checks to: