Your Government

Your Government

"Democracy is not a spectator sport."

This quotation has been attributed to Lotte E. Scharfman, a refugee who escaped with her family from Austria during World War II, and who devoted her life to working for the democratic process and to helping citizens gain access to government, and who was a member of the Massachusetts League of Women Voters.  [The LWVMA Citizen Education Fund, established in her memory, would appreciate your contributions in support of its work to encourage the active and informed participation of citizens in government.]


The Massachusetts Open Meeting Law mandates that most meetings of public bodies be held in public.  Carlisle and Concord post meetings schedules on their websites, as well as agendas and minutes of the meetings (Carlisle and Concord).


You can contact your national, state, or town elected officials to express your thoughts.

You can participate by volunteering for an unelected position in Carlisle or Concord, such as participation in a town committee. 

You can run for office in Carlisle or Concord.

And, since both Carlisle and Concord operate through the direct democracy of Town Meeting, you can participate in setting the agenda and attend annual and special Town Meetings.