LWV of Metro St. Louis Local Positions, 2023-2025

LWV of Metro St. Louis Local Positions, 2023-2025



SUPPORT full funding of the original (pre-2016) foundation formula [1] for public schools, so that each child is better able to developer his/her full potential.

SUPPORT equal opportunity in education with continuing efforts to achieve racial and socio-economic balance and equality within city/county schools.

Schools with policies that are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in teaching and practice are working to achieve racial and socio-economic balance and equality. DEI are fundamental values that are needed for the future success of engaging all individuals, communities, and policy makers in creating a more perfect democracy.

SUPPORT holding Charter Schools to the same requirements, certifications, student services, teacher training, classroom materials and leadership as all other public schools in Missouri.

SUPPORT public schools that have public accountability in matters of governance. Charter schools are not fundamentally accountable on funding, teacher credentials, and transparency of governance. The League opposes charter school expansion because:

• Charter schools are not held to the same standards as traditional public schools. They are “freed” from having to comply with most state regulations that are designed to ensure a minimum level of adequacy, including being accredited by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. For example, 100% of faculty in traditional public schools must meet state certification standards, while only 80% of charter school faculty members must be appropriately certificated.
• Charter schools are not required to serve their “fair share” of students who present many challenges such as students with significant disabilities, students who are homeless, and students recently released from juvenile detention programs. This inequity results in higher concentrations of students that require significantly more resources in traditional public schools.
• Charter schools are governed by boards that are privately appointed, not elected, and such boards often employ private for-profit corporations to operate publicly funded charter schools. This significantly weakens accountability and contributes to citizens becoming “disinvested” from their local public schools.
• There is an unfounded belief that charter schools are superior to traditional public schools and therefore provide parents with an advantageous choice. Studies of charter school academic achievement do not demonstrate that they are better than traditional public schools. Parents expect superior outcomes when placing their children in charter schools. Unfortunately, such is often not the case and all too often charter school outcomes are actually inferior to those of traditional public schools.


Environmental Quality

Air Quality

SUPPORT improved air quality and an interstate regional approach to solve air pollution problems.

SUPPORT emission standards for air pollutants as a means of improving the air quality of the metropolitan area by providing standards which can be legally enforced on the individual polluter.

SUPPORT national industrial emission standards, with any region retaining the right to establish more stringent standards.

SUPPORT a mandatory emergency plan for protection of the health and welfare of the community when a high air pollution potential exists in the area and pollution reaches a dangerous level.

SUPPORT the authorization of a single regional agency to set and enforce standards to control air pollution in the St. Louis air quality region.

Land Use

SUPPORT the adoption and management by county and municipal governments of land use plans which incorporate sound policy based upon the goals, needs and resources of those communities and provide for citizen input.

Solid Waste

SUPPORT planning for the proper management and disposal of solid waste.

Water Quality

SUPPORT improved water quality[2] for all St. Louis metro areas and improve communication between water and sewer authorities and the citizens.



County and Municipal Standards in Representative Democracy

Support for ethical standards in government.

  • SUPPORT apportionment on the basis of creating districts that are compact, contiguous, and as nearly equal in population as possible, without partisan gerrymandering.
  • LIMIT campaign donations to reduce power of moneyed interests.
  • SUPPORT transparency to build trust in democratic government.
  • SUPPORT ethics standards for lobbyists that do not infringe on voter influence.
  • LIMIT transitions of former legislators to lobbyists.
  • ENCOURAGE fair redistricting.

SUPPORT of effective, efficient, responsive and responsible governments in the metro area.

PROMOTE home rule charters[3] that will ensure good government in such municipalities in this League area whose citizens have shown a desire for charter government.

SUPPORT for inclusion of a provision for periodic review in home rule charters.

SUPPORT for a comprehensive governmental structure, regional in scope, whose functions are to plan for long-range development and/or deliver services to the citizens of metropolitan St. Louis.

SUPPORT of governmental units disseminating information regarding the services they provide.


SUPPORT for an open budget process which provides adequate and timely information to citizens and allows for citizen participation.


SUPPORT a public mass transit system that meets the needs of the community, and as an alternative to the automobile, with emphasis on a fully representative governing board and adequate financing from federal, state and local levels, with all of the St. Louis City and County transit sales tax going to MetroLink, MetroBus, and all public call a ride services.


SUPPORT regulation of firearms and ammunition to protect the health and safety of citizens through limiting the accessibility and regulating the ownership of handguns and semi-automatic weapons.


SUPPORT of  Public Libraries that meet the needs of the residents. Support of adequate financing, long-range planning, and a library board which is representative of all segments of the community.


SUPPORT government assistance programs to promote economic equity in the St. Louis metro region.

PROMOTE a living wage in Missouri to advance self-sufficiency for individuals and families.



SUPPORT the preservation and expansion of public green spaces in St. Louis metro area.

SUPPORT of adequate property tax funding for the member districts of the Zoo-Museum Taxing District in St. Louis City and County.

SUPPORT of increases in rate of funding from public sources for Zoo-Museum District member districts and of the formation of new member districts which meet the Zoo-Museum District’s established criteria. 


SUPPORT of the Chief Administrative Officer form of government with continued interest in the Kirkwood City Charter.


SUPPORT St. Louis City revitalization.

SUPPORT of the St. Louis City charter revision that reduced the size of the Board of Aldermen from 28 wards to 14 wards.    

SUPPORT for streamlining St. Louis City government and (1) other agencies paid by the city and (2) commissions appointed by other governments that function only in the City of St. Louis.



In addition to the adopted positions, LWVSTL is monitoring certain other issues; these were formally adopted as League studies at the 2023 Annual Meeting. These are as follows:


Study ways to address other health concerns including substance abuse and prevention, access to behavioral health care, maternal health, and infant mortality. 


Continue a general study of policing in the LWVSTL area, including policies and procedures.

Study use of force data and the degree to which that data is transparent to the public.

City-County Governance:

Study of various plans to consolidate governments, services, or districts in the metro area or any proposals for reduction in the number of municipalities, so as to inform League policies on these matters.

St. Louis County Charter Revision:

Participate in any future St. Louis County Charter Commissions, representing League views.

St. Louis City Charter Revision:

Participate in any future St. Louis City Charter Commissions, representing League views. 

[1] The foundation formula is a mathematical equation by which the state allocates funding to Missouri’s public school districts. It is an attempt to balance funding availability for all districts and compensate for differences in ability to raise funds locally and in student characteristics. Missouri often does not fully fund the formula, and plays accounting games in connection with the formula.

[2] In this context, water quality includes stormwater runoff, water in rivers and streams, and drinking water.

[3] The Missouri Constitution and state law allow municipalities of at least 5,000 population to create home rule charters that may differ in some respects from general state law for municipalities of their class. This is different from current debates about “local control” of police, prosecutors, and other specific matters that the State of Missouri has administered in the past or would like to administer.