The League of Women Voters of Metro St. Louis is a nonprofit membership organization that has two separate and distinct roles:
- Voters Service/Citizen Education: we present unbiased nonpartisan information about elections, the voting process, and issues.
- Action/Advocacy: after study, if we have consensus, we adopt positions allowing us to advocate for or against particular policies in the public interest, but we never endorse candidates or political parties.
Mission, Vision, and Beliefs
Mission: Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy
Vision: We envision a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge and the confidence to participate.
What We Believe: The League of Women Voters believes in the power of women to create a more perfect democracy, respect for individuals, the value of diversity, and the empowerment of the grassroots, both within the League and in communities.
Please consider joining the League or making a donation to support the Metro St. Louis League.
Intentions and Values
We will:
- act with trust, integrity and professionalism
- operate in an open and effecte manner to meet the needs of those we serve, both members and the public
- take the inviative in seeking diversity in membership
- acknowledge our heritage as we seek our path to the future.
Our Core Values
- We believe that grassroots initiatives and consensus building are the strengths of our organization.
- We believe that our organization models the principles of good governance.
- We consider well before taking action and prepare well before beginning to act.
- We believe that citizenship requires knowledge, as well as the ability and will to act.
- We believe that the responsibility of good government rests on the shoulders of its citizens.
- We believe that the rights of citizens at home and abroad are interdependent.
- We believe in the importance and enduring value of diversity, equity and inclusion.
Learning More
To learn more about the League, please consult our latest LWVSTL Reference Guide, a concise source of our value statements, examples of organizations we partner with, leadership contact information, and information about our roughly geographically based discussion units.
In the spirit of openness and transparency, you can see our tax filing 990 form, which shows you how we spend our time and money.
It is helpful to think of League activity as falling into two broad categories: voter services and study and action. Once you become a League member, you will receive orientation emails and an invitation to participate in a Meet and Greet where you can interact with our leaders and other new members to find a friend in the League and figure out where you would like to contribute your talents.
The St. Louis League was founded on November 13, 1919--before the ratification of the 19th Amendment that gave women the right to vote. Its Citizenship School taught civics to more than 450 area women in its first year. You can learn more about the interesting history of the St. Louis Metro League on this website.
If you would like more information or to contact a specific initiative of the League, use one of the email addresses to contact us, or you are welcome to call our office from 9:30 am-3:30 pm Monday through Friday. You are welcome to request a Speakers Bureau presentation or other voter services during this important election season.
Other League Organizations