Action Alert: Contact our US Senators Now on Freedom to Vote Act!

Action Alert: Contact our US Senators Now on Freedom to Vote Act!

image of words promoting Freedom to Vote Act
Time Range For Action Alert: 
Jan 17 2022 to Jan 19 2022

Never has the passage of voting rights legislation at the national level been more important or more essential to preserving our democracy.  The Freedom to Vote Act has been combined with the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and is being debated in the Senate January 18 with a vote possible by January 19.   Now it the time to urge Senators  to alter the filibuster so this legislation can  become law. 

Only a groundswell of public support will push this legislation through the Senate, altering the filibuster if needed.  Find out more about the bill using the resources below.  Then contact your US Senators now, even if you already have, and over and over again, untll they pass this essential voting rights legislation!  

Contact Information for Montana's Senators:

Senator Tester: call Missoula office:  (406) 728-3003
Or email:

Senator Daines:  call Missoula office:  (406) 549-8198
Or email:

Resources for more information:

Recording of presentation to the LWV Montana by Elizabeth Hira, Brennan Center for Justice is below.  Passcode = !FFj$tB9

Summary of the bills: