Air Quality

Air Quality

To promote quality air standards to protect human health and safety, to ensure the integrity of ecosystems, and to facilitate the enjoyment of the natural attractions of this state.
Position History: 

Prior to 1995 the State League had no position regarding air quality.  In 1993-94 local Leagues studied the issue along with the national League policy statement and existing local and statewide regulations.  The 1995 Convention adopted the air concurrence statement.

In 2015, specific measure # 7 regarding non-smoking areas, was  evaluated for relevance.  While many public buildings, as of 2015,  are smoke-free,  the consensus was to leave the wording in place.

The 2015 Convention supported the capture of natural gas released from oil development to reduce the release of carbon pollution and the formation of particulate sulfates and nitrates.

The League of Women Voters of Montana supports:

1.       The use of alternative energy sources to produce cleaner air.

2.       Regulation and reduction of pollution from stationary sources.

3.       Regulation and reduction of ambient toxic-air pollutants.

4.       Measures to reduce trans boundary air pollutants, such as those that cause acid deposition, both regionally among states and internationally.

5.       A coordinated statewide program of air pollution prevention, abatement, and control, including the establishment of ambient air quality standards necessary for human health and ecosystem preservation.

6.       Establishing limits on emission levels for various pollutants from any source, which may be necessary to prevent, abate, or control air pollution.

7.       Regulations which make industries, with the support of government, responsible for reducing the air pollution they generate.

The League of Women Voters of Montana supports the following specific measures:

1.       Housing and/or building codes which establish and enforce limits on emissions of pollutants, such as radon.  The League believes these codes should also address the use of hazardous materials, such as asbestos, used for building private, public and commercial buildings and houses, so that air quality is maintained at a safe level.

2.       Measures to reduce vehicular pollution, including inspection and maintenance of emission controls, changes in engine design and fuel types and development of more energy efficient transportation.

3.       Measures which would reduce air pollution due to chemicals, dust, and dirt particles in the air, such as paving dirt parking areas in cities and using materials other than gravel and polluting chemicals to prevent sliding on icy roads.

4.       Limiting the use of fluoro-carbons and other chemicals which are known to destroy the ozone layer.

5.       Methods of disposal and incineration of medical and other hazardous wastes.

6.       Controlling effects of sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and other suspect chemicals.

7.       Provision for non-smoking areas in all public and government facilities.

League to which this content belongs: 