BILLINGS - Monthly Meeting at the Elks Club - Speaker Dr. Peter Miller

BILLINGS - Monthly Meeting at the Elks Club - Speaker Dr. Peter Miller


Elks Club
934 Lewis Ave
Billings Montana 59102
Montana US
Thursday, August 2, 2018 - 11:30am

Peter Miller, a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of California, Irvine, will speak at the noon meeting of Billings League of Women Voters Thursday, August 2. He will present, "Is Big Brother Watching Me? Using Voter Registration Files in Social Science and Research and Political Campaigns."
Dr. Miller will provide information about the voter registration files that have become a standard element of recent political campaigns. He will talk about the data these files contain, explain how that data can be used in social science research and political campaigns, and comment on how some states have enacted various limitations on the data.
Dr. Miller completed his doctorate in political science in 2013, at the University of California, Irvine. His research includes American and comparative politics, voting behavior, political instructions, and public opinion and his work has been published in numerous journals. He was a Fulbright Scholar to Finland in 2016 and is currently working on a book on elections and turnout in the United States.
The noon presentation at the Elks Club, 934 Lewis Avenue is free and open to the public. Prior to the program, a salad lunch is available at 11:30 for $10.
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan organization seeking to encourage voter participation and discussion of issues.

Contact Information
lwv.billings [at]