Missoula: Annual Planning Meeting

Missoula: Annual Planning Meeting


Glengarra Place Community Room
3900 Galway
Missoula Montana 59802
Montana US
Thursday, August 23, 2018 - 6:00pm to Friday, August 24, 2018 - 5:45pm

Please join us for a Brown-bag dinner meeting and help us outline our plans for the coming program year.

Meeting Agenda

6:00 pm – Welcome, Introductions, and Brown Bag dinner (Ice cream provided for dessert!) 

6:15-7:00 pm --Committees meet

(see below a list of Committees and their roles. All Missoula LWV members are encouraged to participate in the committee discussions. Some members signed up for committees at the Annual Meeting in April, but committee membership is open to all League members at all times)

7:00-8:00  -- Reports from Committees and Calendar development for the year.


Missoula League of Women Voters




  1. 1.   Membership/Outreach/Retention: John Fletcher – Chair; Maggie Lough, Kelly Fehn, Nancy L
    1. a.   Database and renewal
    2. b.   Orientations for new members
    3. c.   High schoolers – UM
    4. d.   Sell the LWV
    5. e.   Webpage and social media – communication


  1. 2.   Events – Public Programs - Meeting spaces :Deb Knight – Chair; Jennifer Copley, Lisa Pavlock, Janet McMillan
    1. a.   Book groups
    2. b.   County government
    3. c.   How to contact your legislators
    4. d.   Land use
    5. e.   Candidate forums
    6. f.    Parade


  1. 3.   Action – Janet McMillan, Lisa Pavlock, Mary LaPorte, Nancy M, Nancy L
    1. a.   Letters to editor
    2. b.   OP eds
    3. c.   Communicate with legislators
    4. d.   Land use
    5. e.   Action alerts


  1. 4.   Voter Service -Linda Andrus, Brenda Desmond, Nancy L, Nancy M, Lisa Pavlock
    1. a.    Registration
    2. b.    Observer corps
    3. c.     Candidate forums
    4. d.    Election judges
Contact Information
Nancy Leifer
nancleifer [at] gmail.com