Missoula: Area Land Use Map: Where did it Come From, and Where is It Going?

Missoula: Area Land Use Map: Where did it Come From, and Where is It Going?

Photo of Missoula Valley from Blue Mountain


Missoula Public Library
301 East Main
Missoula Montana 59802
Montana US
Wednesday, February 20, 2019 - 7:00pm to Thursday, February 21, 2019 - 6:45pm

In 2015, the City Council updated the Missoula City Growth Policy noting that about 18,750 additional people were forecast to settle within the city limits of Missoula by 2035.  Missoula County is now updating the Missoula Area Land Use Map, forecasting 14,000 new residents outside of the current city limits by 2040 in the area adjacent to incorporated Missoula.

On Wednesday, February 20, at 7:00 pm at the Public Library the League of Women Voters Missoula is sponsoring a free public meeting, “Missoula Area Land Use Map:  Where Did It Come From and Where is it Going?” featuring a panel presentation and discussion on how aspects of land use interact in shaping Missoula’s future.

The panel will include:  Climate Change:  Amy Cilimburg, Executive Director, Climate Smart Missoula; Housing: Lori Davidson, Executive Director, Missoula Housing Authority; Transportation:  Jordan Hess, Transportation Department, University of Montana;  Open Space:  Elizabeth Erickson, Acquisition attorney, City Parks and Recreation; Infrastructure:  Melissa Matassa, Senior Project Engineer, WGM Group; The Planning Process: Christine Dascenzo, Long Range Planning, Missoula County.

The League of Women Voters Missoula believes the public has the right to participate in and influence public planning for community growth.  Along with this right comes the responsibility to understand how land use decisions affect our overall community.  The decisions we make today will influence who will be able to live in our community in the future.

Citizen comment is an integral part of the planning process. Once the Consolidated Planning Board concludes its hearing and approves the draft Missoula Area Land Use Map, they will send the draft Map to the County Commissioners for another round of public comment and potential adjustment before the Commissioners may approve it.  Implementing the Land Use Map requires adopting zoning provisions for specific areas.  Each zoning action considered by the Consolidated Planning Board also offers opportunity for public comment. 

Contact Information
Nancy Leifer
nancleifer [at] gmail.com