Rally for Voting Rights and For the People Act

Rally for Voting Rights and For the People Act

image of Montana state capitol building with flower beds in foreground


Montana State Capitol steps
Montana State Capitol
Helena Montana
Montana US
Monday, June 21, 2021 - 12:00pm

Next week (June 21-25) the US Senate will be voting on the For the People Act (S1), viewed by many as the most important legislation for our democracy since the Civil War.  Our democracy is at a crisis point; For the People Act (S1) would help remedy this crisis. If you are not familiar with S1, here is a link to LWV Montana webpage for more information: 


We need a groundswell of supporters to contact Montana’s Senators urging them to pass S1!

 Here are three things you can do:

  1.  Rally for Voting Rights and For the People Act in Helena, noon, June 21

 Plan on attending this critically important event, Protect our Voting Rights Rally/March, noon on June 21st on the steps of the State Capitol in Helena. Hear from speakers on the current threat to our voting rights and actions to take to protect these rights. Bring your signs for the March around the Capitol after the event.  Invite your friends. We must act now to protect our right to vote.  Organized by the League of Women Voters of the Helena Area. For questions, please call Rebecca at 406.223.4300.

2.  Contact Montana’s Senators and urge them to vote for S1, For the People Act

Thank Senator Jon Tester for co-sponsoring S1 via phone call at the office nearest you:   https://www.tester.senate.gov/?p=offices

Or send an email:

Let Senator Daines know that you want him to vote for S1

Via phone call at the office nearest you (scroll to bottom of homepage):  https://www.daines.senate.gov/

or via email:  https://www.daines.senate.gov/connect/email-steve

3.  Urge your friends and family to do the same – with a LWV Friendbank!  Here’s how:

 LWV MT is offering a special event next week to help League members contact Montana’s Senators and encourage family and friends to do the same and help save our Democracy.  This event is called a “Friendbank” because it offers easy, step-by-step instructions on how to use Outreach Circle software to easily encourage your friends and family to to contact Montana Senators on S1.

 Advance Registration is required for  Friendbank in order to get the Zoom link for the meeting.

Wednesday evening, June 23, 7:00pm, LWV Montana Friendbank

Register for this meeting by copying and pasting the link below into your search bar:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Zoom meeting. 

Note:  Friendbank may be cancelled if Senate has already voted on S1. 

We need your help at this critical time.  If you want to take action on one issue this year to support our democracy, this is the one.  Please help the League expand the groundswell of support for S1 through these 3 Action opportunities!