League Upsurge - Membership Has Jumped 20% Nationally Since 2016

League Upsurge - Membership Has Jumped 20% Nationally Since 2016

People waving toy flags in front of a sunset

Read this January 2019 article on the LWV at whowhatwhy.org

"The League of Women Voters is experiencing a surge of new blood, new resources, and new energy. But it is the League's 'old' values that are attracting new members. Values like nonpartisanship and integrity, civility, and a refusal to be bullied."

"Over the past three years, the League, which had 'unashamedly been the League of your grandmother,' has been on a transformative journey, said Celina Stewart, LWV's new director of advocacy and litigation."

Since the 2016 Presidential election, "the League's membership is up 20 percent. The group is drawing new members, whose diversity has spanned age, race, and sexual orientation, Stewart said. The League now has 400,000 members and supporters in more than 700 communities in every state. New Leagues 'are popping up all over'..."

It seems that the League of Women Voters is cool again... who knew?