Feb. 2019 TED Discussion - Opioids / Saving Lives

Feb. 2019 TED Discussion - Opioids / Saving Lives

Speaker photo and event details (location, date and time)
Blog Post

Our February TED viewing will be held on Saturday, February 16 at 1:00 pm at St. Philip's Lutheran Church on Limestone Road. The format is to watch the TED Talk and then discuss the `Ideas Worth Sharing'. Bring your own beverage and snack if desired.

The misuse of opioids has had an impact on just about everyone's lives whether directly through the death of a loved one or indirectly in extra steps for a legitimate prescription. This past year was the deadliest for suspected drug overdoses. August 2018 was the deadliest month with thirty-nine deaths in Delaware.

Both the federal and state legislature passed laws in 2018 to providing funding and resources directed to reducing the devastation. The TED Talk this month; "In the Opioid Crisis, Here's What It Takes To Save A Life", gives an example from the community of Huntington, West Virginia. Presenter, Jan Rader, gives a hopeful talk that: "shows what it's like on the front lines of this crisis -- and how her community is taking an unusual new approach to treating substance-abuse disorder that starts with listening." 

A firefighter and a nurse, Ms. Rader describes the solutions that this community took not only to address the persons caught in the throes of substance use disorder but also to provide support for the people called upon to aid them.

In August 1994, Ms. Rader joined the Huntington, West Virginia Fire Department reaching the rank of chief for a career department in the State of West Virginia. She then went on to receive degrees in nursing. At present she is a serving member of the Mayor's Office of Drug Control Policy which is focused on drug addiction in Huntington and the surrounding communities and creates a holistic approach involving prevention, treatment and law enforcement. Ms. Radar came to national distinction after the release of the short documentary Heroin(e) by Netflix in September 2017. She was recognized in April 2018, as one of TIME Magazine's "100 Most Influential People in the World."

Join us to discuss the potential for our communities for brand new approaches to life saving.